Minggu, 24 April 2011

Skripsi D-IV Keperawatan Anestesi Reanimasi 2010

Differences in The Insident of Complications The Use of Sevofluran withouth Sevofluran on The Insertion of Classic Laryngeal Mask Airway in General Hospital Center Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Year 2010.

Rosaria Endang S, Kirnantoro, R. Sugeng Riyadi.


Background: Propofol as sole agent and the addition of sevofluran inhalation is the way in insertion of classic laryngeal mask airway. When insertion of classic laryngeal mask airway is very likely occurrance of complications such as cough, hiccup, and laryngo spasms that effect the comfort of patients, although the insertion was relatively easy to say.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was knowing and looking for differences in the incidence of complications the use of sevofluran without sevofluran on the insertion of classic laryngeal mask airway in general hospital center Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Year 2010.

Methods:This study used obsevational with cross sectional design. Research sites in general hospital center Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten with 40 samples and divided in two groups. Data colletion tool in the form of observation sheet by noting the characteristics of respondents and the incidence of complications the use of sevofluran without sevofluran such as cough, hiccup, and laryngo spasms in classic laryngeal mask airway insertion where if one of them had said the insident occured. Observation carried starting from the insertion in stage III (surgical) plana II untill classic-LMA fixed properly. Chi square analysis with significancy level = 0,05.

Results: Insidence of complications of the use of sevofluran 5% and withouth the use of sevofluran 27,5%. From the results of statistical test the difference in the incidence of complications with the use of sevofluran withouth sevofluran was significant at the insertion of classic laryngeal mask airway with a value of p < 0.05 is 0,007.

Conclusion: There are differences in the insidence of complications with the use of sevofluran withouth sevofluran on insertion of classic laryngeal mask airway in general hospital center Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten year 2010.

Key Words: The insidence of complications, classic laryngeal mask airway, sevofluran.

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